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Leaf hunting

Gunfinder Magazine

Leaf hunting is one of the highlights of the hunting season for many hunters. In this form of hunting, which can usually be practiced from mid-July to early August, the rutting season of the deer is used to attract roebucks by imitating the bleeping of the doe. This bleeping attracts the attention of sexually mature females.

Unlike buck hunting in May, leaf hunting can also be done around midday because bucks are more careless and eager to move than they are outside of the leaf season.

In leaf hunting, the hunter imitates the doe's call with a leafhopper, originally with the help of a (beech) leaf or blade of grass, to attract the rutting buck.

However, it is important to use the right call series - if the right tone is not hit, the buck will be "blinded" and will not return so quickly.

In general, depending on the situation, different call series can lead to hunting success:

The Right Blade Technique:

Rickenfiep: timid bleeping of a lone doe to attract a buck.

Blasting bleep: the doe tries to get rid of a buck that is not strong enough for her with this bleep. She tries to attract a stronger buck to drive away the current suitor and take his place.

Kitzfiep: This attracts shod bucks that will not allow themselves to be shod. If a buck is standing nearby he will follow the doe.

Since it takes some practice to make the right call, leaf hunting is one of the more challenging hunts.

Unlike that of the deer or the boar, the venison of the roebuck is edible even in the rut.

More exciting reports on leaf hunting

Exciting, interesting and informative reports on the subject of driven hunt can also be found at our premium partner, the hunting magazine Hunting season. for example in the article LITHUANIA - Leaf hunting: When the bucks jump

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