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The hunt for predatory game

Gunfinder Magazine

What belongs to the predatory game?

In Germany there are a variety of predator species, including:

These animals live in different parts of the country and can vary in abundance depending on the region. Foxes and martens, for example, are found in almost all areas of Germany, while wolves and lynxes are native to only a few regions. Important for hunters: wolves and lynxes are predatory species, but they do not belong to the "game" - as they are not subject to hunting rights.

If wolves are shot due to ministerial orders, they are also not "shot" but "taken" - a legal difference.

Regarding predatory game species, it is important that hunters observe the closed seasons for the respective predatory game in order to protect and maintain populations. Hunting methods and conditions are also different for each species and must be adjusted accordingly.


Why are badgers and foxes hunted?

There are several reasons why badgers and foxes may be hunted. A common reason is to control populations to prevent or minimize damage to agriculture. For example, badgers and foxes can damage fields and gardens, causing losses to agricultural products. Hunting can be one way to reduce this damage. A more important reason is that badgers and foxes do not have predators, but too high a population of predators can have a negative effect on the population of hares and feathered game.


What are neozones?

Neozones are areas where wildlife species that were not previously native to the area become established. This can happen in a variety of ways, such as natural dispersal, human introduction, or climate change, which can lead to improved living conditions for certain species.

In Germany, there are some examples of neozones, such as:

Raccoons: The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is a wildlife species originally from North America. It was introduced to Europe in the 1920s and has since become native to many countries in Europe, including Germany.

The importation of raccoons to Europe originally had economic reasons. The animals were purposefully kept as exotic pets and their pelts were highly sought after. However, stricter fur trade laws were introduced in the 1980s and many raccoons were abandoned or escaped from breeding farms. Since then, the population of raccoons in Europe has greatly increased and the animals have become native to many areas.

Raccoons are classified as a neozoon in Germany and can have both positive and negative impacts. For example, they can act as beneficial insects by controlling pests such as mice and rats, but they can also cause damage to agriculture or other areas. Since they have no natural enemies, they are usually hunted harshly, like the raccoon dog.

Mink: Mink were also not native to Germany in the past, but are originally from North America. They were introduced to Europe in the 1950s as breeding animals for furs and have since settled in many areas of Germany.

Tanuki: The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), also called raccoon dog or tanuki, is an Asian wild animal species originally from China and Japan. It was introduced to Europe in the 1920s and has since become native to many European countries, including Germany.

The importation of tanuki to Europe was originally for economic reasons. The animals were kept specifically for fur breeding and their pelts were highly sought after. However, in the 1980s stricter laws were introduced for the fur trade and many tanuki were abandoned or escaped from breeding farms. Since then, the population of tanuki in Europe has greatly increased and the animals have become native to many areas.

Tanuki are classified as a neozoon in Germany and can have both positive and negative impacts. For example, they can act as beneficial animals by controlling pests such as mice and rats, but they can also cause damage to agriculture or other areas. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor the impacts of tanuki and, if necessary, take steps to reduce negative impacts.

Neozones can have both positive and negative impacts. On the one hand, they can help increase species diversity and increase biodiversity. On the other hand, neozones can also cause certain species to overbreed and cause damage to agriculture or other areas. It is therefore important that the impacts of neozones are carefully monitored and, if necessary, measures are taken to reduce negative impacts.


What does feathered game mean?

Feathered game is a term for wildlife that wear feathers, i.e. birds:. The most common species of feathered game in Germany include:


Weapon for predator hunting

A combined weapon such as triplet or buck shotgun are suitable all-rounders for most hunting situations - whether by shooting with the bullet, the shot sheaf or by a small caliber by insert barrel.


The best caliber for predator hunting

The .22 Hornet caliber is a small caliber used mainly for hunting smaller predatory game and sometimes for hunting birds. It was developed in 1930 by the Winchester company and has since been a popular choice for hunters looking for a light and handy rifle with good shooting performance.

The .22 Hornet caliber has a smaller cartridge than many other calibers and is therefore less powerful. It is therefore particularly well suited for hunting smaller predatory game, such as foxes or martens. However, it is not suitable for hunting larger game, such as deer or wild boar, as it does not have enough shooting power. The .22 Hornet caliber is mainly used in shotguns and small caliber rifles. It is important that hunters choose a gun and ammunition that they can handle well and shoot safely and accurately.


Heated clothing

Heated clothing can be a useful addition during outdoor activities, especially in cold temperatures. This type of clothing is equipped with integrated heating elements that can be activated at the touch of a button to provide warmth.

There are several types of heated clothing, including jackets, vests, gloves and socks. These garments can be powered by batteries and usually have multiple settings to adjust heat intensity.

Heated clothing can be especially beneficial for people who are sensitive to cold temperatures or who spend long periods of time outside. It can also be useful for people with health conditions who get chilled more quickly.

It is important to note that heated clothing is not a substitute for appropriate layered clothing, and it is not suitable for every situation. It is also important to make sure that the batteries are charged regularly and that the clothing is cared for according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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