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Dummy training for dogs - how to do it right?

Gunfinder Magazine

What is dummy training?

Dummy training refers to a specific type of training conducted for dogs to prepare them to retrieve dummies (i.e., small thrown objects) as part of hunting or search exercises. Dummy training is a great way to prepare dogs for a variety of conditions they may encounter when retrieving dummies in the wild or during search and rescue missions.

Dummy training is about getting the dog to retrieve the dummy on command and return it to the owner. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, such as throwing the dummy to the dog and then asking him to retrieve it, or hiding the dummy well and asking the dog to search for and find it.

Dummy training is also a great way to teach dogs to search specifically and how to locate dummies in different terrain and weather conditions. It is a useful complement to other types of training, such as obedience training or agility training, and can help dogs become more confident and self-assured.

What does dummy training do for the dog?

Dummy training provides dogs with a variety of benefits. First of all, it helps them improve their physical endurance and coordination skills as they have to run, jump and move through rough terrain while retrieving the dummy. Dummy training also promotes mental stimulation for dogs, helping them sharpen their mental skills by encouraging them to search for and find dummies in a variety of terrains and conditions.

Dummy training can also help dogs become more confident and self-assured as they learn to successfully complete tasks and demonstrate their abilities. It can also help dogs concentrate better and stay focused on a task longer.

In addition, dummy training promotes bonding between dog and owner, as it is designed for the dog to retrieve the dummy at the owner's command. This can help the dog trust the owner more and become more loyal to the owner.

So overall, dummy training offers dogs a variety of benefits, both on a physical and mental level. It is a useful addition to other types of training and can help dogs be healthier, happier and more content.


When to start dummy training?

When to start dummy training for dogs depends primarily on the dog's age and abilities. In general, dogs should not start dummy training until they have mastered basic commands and are ready to learn new tasks. It is important that the dog is motivated, attentive and interested in the training.

If the dog is still very young, it may be best to wait to start dummy training until he is older and more mature. In any case, it is important to take the training slowly and gradually and not overload the dog. It is also important to give the dog time to play and relax and to always make the training positive and rewarding.

A common practice is to start dummy training for dogs playfully at home


How to train with a dummy?

To do dummy training with a dog, there are a few steps to follow:

  1. Find a suitable place: it is best to do dummy training in a place where the dog has few distractions and can move freely. This can be a garden, a field or a park.
  2. Choose an appropriate dummy: There are many different types of dummies that can be used for training, such as stuffed animals, plastic bottles, or wooden blocks. Choose a dummy that is safe for your dog and easy to carry.
  3. Start with simple exercises: For starters, you should do simple exercises where the dog finds the dummy right in front of him and just has to pick it up and bring it to you. Reward the dog every time he successfully retrieves the dummy.
  4. Increase the difficulty: Once the dog is good at the easy exercises, you can slowly increase the difficulty by hiding the dummy farther away or letting the dog retrieve on command.
  5. Reward the dog: Always reward the dog when it has successfully retrieved the dummy. This can be in the form of treats, praise or games.
  6. Do regular training: to improve the dog's skills, you should do regular dummy training. How often you train depends on your schedule and the dog's abilities. Some dogs like daily training, while others may only want to train every few days. Listen to your dog's needs and adjust training accordingly.

How often should you do dummy training?

How often you should train with a dummy depends on how much time you can devote to training. Most dog trainers and puppy schools say - if you have time, you can give your dog the exercise every day. However, sometimes the dog does not want to do dummy training. In that case, you should keep your dog busy with another activity, or let him rest. Dummy training under force does not work.

For which dog breeds is dummy training suitable?

Some dog breeds that are particularly suitable for dummy training include:

However, dummy training is not suitable for dogs that are physically unable to do so or show no interest in the exercise. For example, if your dog is physically limited or has joint problems, you may want to choose other exercises that will improve his physical fitness. If your dog is not interested in dummy training, you can try other activities instead, such as walking, playing, or obedience exercises to promote his mental and physical abilities.


Where can you find the best dummies?

You can also find great deals on dummies and dummy training on Gunfinder.

Dummy training for dogs on YouTube

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