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Dog ate chocolate - what to do?

Gunfinder Magazine

During the Christmas and Easter seasons, particularly large quantities of chocolate are often found in German households. The appealing scent and tempting packaging attract both humans and dogs. However, it can be dangerous for dog owners if they are not careful about what and how much chocolate their pet eats. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and can have serious consequences. On Gunfinder you can learn how to tell if your dog has eaten chocolate and what to do if it has.

Why is chocolate dangerous?

Chocolate is dangerous for dogs because of the ingredient theobromine. Theobromine is a component of cocoa beans and has a stimulating effect, similar to coffee. While humans can process this ingredient quickly, it takes much longer for dogs. Veterinarian Sabrina Vogt explains that theobromine can accumulate in the body of animals, making the concentration toxic. Therefore, foods that contain cocoa are also life-threatening for dogs.

Is all chocolate dangerous?

Theobromine contained in chocolate can have a strong effect on the nervous system of dogs. The effects of the substance depend on the type of chocolate and the size of the dog. According to veterinarian Sabrina Vogt for "FirstVet", even an amount of 20-30 milligrams of theobromine per kilogram of body weight of the dog, can cause symptoms of poisoning. While veterinarian Henrik Hofmann in an article explains that at 100 milligrams of theobromine per kilogram of body weight, death can already occur. If the dose increases to 300 milligrams of theobromine per kilogram of body weight, the lethal dose would be reached for half of the affected dogs.

Generally, the higher the cocoa content and the darker the chocolate, the higher the theobromine content and the greater the danger to the dog. One piece of chocolate usually won't harm a dog of average size, but for more or a whole bar of chocolate, be sure to have the dog examined by a veterinarian.

Theobromine content varies depending on how much cocoa a food contains:

So cocoa powder and dark chocolate are the most dangerous!

How much chocolate can a dog tolerate?

To calculate how much chocolate your dog can tolerate, you should determine your dog's weight. If you cannot determine exactly how much chocolate your dog has eaten and he is already showing symptoms of poisoning, you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. One first aid measure you can use in case of poisoning is to give activated charcoal tablets. Activated charcoal helps bind and remove toxins in the dog's stomach and intestines. It is also important to have an emergency supply of medicated activated charcoal. Even if the dog does not show any symptoms after eating chocolate, you should still take the situation seriously and act accordingly - it is best to go to the vet immediately!

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