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Puppies get used to leash - the best guide

Gunfinder Magazine

You just adopted a puppy and now you want to teach him leash walking? Perfect, because good leash walking is one of the most important disciplines in dog training. Don't worry, with a little know-how and a lot of patience, training is not difficult. Here you'll learn more about how to choose the right equipment, what to look out for, and how to teach your pup to walk on a leash.

The right equipment

The collar

Pick out an appropriate dog collar and give your puppy time to get used to it. It should be tight enough so your dog can't pull it over his head, but also not too tight. For example, choose a leather collar or a strong nylon collar that is easy to adjust while providing enough control. Check regularly to make sure the collar fits well, because your puppy is growing and the collar shouldn't be too tight. It fits well if you can slide two fingers between the dog's neck and the collar. Alternatively, you can use a dog harness. A harness gives the dog more room to move and is healthier for your four-legged friend's neck spine.

The leash

Next, you need a suitable dog leash. A short, sturdy leash is best, not a flexi leash. A flexi leash, also known as a retractable leash, is always a bit taut and teaches your pup that he may or must pull on the leash.

When should I start getting my puppy used to the leash?

Give your puppy time to get used to the leash. For example, you can attach the leash indoors and let your puppy walk around with the leash attached to his collar (note: only under supervision!). Outside, puppies often tend to sit or pull on the leash. Choose a quiet place to start that is not too close to home. Your puppy has enough to get used to the new world.

As you can see, training puppies to walk on a leash is not that difficult if you follow a few basic rules and tips. The important thing is that you take your time getting your puppy used to the leash, and treat him with patience and understanding. The world is often still very new and exciting for a puppy, and it is important that he learns to be safe and relaxed on the leash.

Consistency in leash walking

Another important factor is consistent adherence to the rules. Although it can sometimes be hard to follow through and keep the leash tight, it is important that you are consistent. Your puppy will quickly learn that he needs to respect you when he wants to walk on a leash.

In addition, you can also use positive reinforcement training. For example, reward your puppy with treats or praise when he behaves decently on the leash. This way, he will quickly get used to the leash and learn that walking by your side is worth it.

In summary, good puppy leash walking is an important discipline in dog training. However, with the right equipment, consistent training and positive reinforcement methods, it is possible to get your puppy used to the leash and teach him to walk relaxed by your side.

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