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Taking weapons abroad

Gunfinder Magazine

If you are planning to travel abroad, taking your own hunting or sporting firearm with you, there are a number of legal requirements you must follow to avoid complications. The process can be complex, as laws and regulations regarding the transport and carrying of firearms vary greatly depending on the country you are traveling to and the airlines you are using.

In many countries, it is illegal to import weapons without proper permits. Therefore, the first step is to apply for the necessary permits in your home country and in the destination country. In Germany, for example, you need an export permit for weapons from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) and an import permit from the destination country.

Transportation of the weapons

When planning your trip, you should also consider the specific guidelines of the airlines. Many airlines allow weapons to be transported in checked baggage, but the weapons must be stowed in special containers and must not be loaded. In addition, you must declare the weapons in advance and have the appropriate permits.

Travel within the EU

If you are traveling within the European Union, carrying weapons is easier because the EU has a common regulation for transporting weapons. You must apply for a European Firearms Pass (EFP), which regulates the possession and transport of weapons within the EU.

Weapons laws in the country of destination

It is very important to know the gun laws in the destination country. In some countries, even minor violations can result in heavy fines or even imprisonment. In countries with strict gun laws, it can also be difficult to obtain an import permit.


If you are traveling with a gun, it is advisable to take out appropriate insurance. This should cover both the loss and theft of your weapon. In addition, you should consider liability insurance to cover any damage that may occur from the use of your firearm.


Carrying a firearm on a trip abroad requires careful planning and preparation. Find out the legal requirements in advance and make sure you have all the necessary permits and insurance. Also be aware of specific airline regulations and be aware of gun laws in the destination country.

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