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Practice survival skills in your free time - these are the best hobbies

Gunfinder Magazine

Have you ever thought about how essential it is to strengthen our survival skills? It's not just about crisis situations, but also about understanding ourselves and our skills better. Many of us feel limited in our daily lives and are unsure how to improve our skills. Let's explore together how we can prepare more effectively for any eventuality.

Here are ourTop recommendations for hobbies that can strengthen your survival skills. They are accessible regardless of your age or fitness level and can be done indoors or outdoors.


This is an ancient technique for making tools out of stone or bone, creating sharp edges and points. This requires skill and patience and is a way to imitate and appreciate the manufacturing techniques of our ancestors. It not only allows for the creation of functional objects, but also an understanding of the materials and processes used in the prehistoric world.


Perhaps there are archery clubs nearby, or targets could be set up in your own backyard. This is an excellent skill that promotes concentration and precision and also has a long history and tradition. In addition, it offers an alternative to modern hunting and can even be considered a relaxing hobby. Be aware of the legal regulations regarding archery.


Aside from creating precious family memories in the process, camping provides an ideal opportunity to teach, practice and improve survival skills. It is an opportunity to escape the modern world and develop a deeper connection with nature.


Learning how to fish and prepare the catch is a way to provide oneself with sufficient protein in emergency situations. This is a skill that requires both patience and skill while fostering a deep connection to nature.


Finding wild food in nature is an excellent skill that helps familiarize oneself with plants, fruits, nuts, seeds, and roots. It's not just about mere survival, but also about appreciating the rich natural resources that are often overlooked.

Hunting and trapping

This is vital for obtaining food, materials, and shelter in survival situations. It also improves self-sufficiency and independence skills. It reconnects modern man to the basics of human existence and can also foster a deep understanding of nature and wildlife. On Gunfinder, you'll find the best articles on hunting and, of course, the best deals.

Brewing beer or distilling liquor

When others have used up their alcohol supply, brewing beer at home could make you the most popular person. It's a creative and rewarding process that allows for a deeper understanding of the intricacies of beverage production and provides an opportunity to control taste and quality to your own liking.


Whether a windowsill or space for a few raised beds in the backyard is available, you could start with these fast-growing vegetable plants. Gardening is not only a productive hobby, but also a way to produce healthy and sustainable food while strengthening your relationship with nature.


Blacksmithing offers the opportunity to make your own tools as well as weapons. The importance of it does not need to be emphasized. It is an ancient art that requires both creativity and practical skills, while promoting the ability to create valuable and durable items.

Knitting and crocheting

Here, you could learn about budget-friendly methods to acquire yarn, or even learn to spin your own. Not only is it a calming and productive leisure activity, but it also promotes fine motor skills and creativity, and allows for the creation of custom and functional clothing and accessories.

Fire making

This is a skill that helps to survive outdoors and improve survival skills. It is a fundamental human skill that is useful in emergency situations as well as fosters the ability to create comfortable conditions with the simplest of resources.

Carpentry, woodworking and carving.

Making things out of wood is a necessary skill, and wood is a great material for getting results quickly. It is an art that encourages patience, skill, and creativity, and allows for the creation of functional and beautiful items that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing.

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