Since 1904, ZEISS has played a pioneering role in the field of riflescopes for hunting rifles. ZEISS's leading position is due to a multitude of innovations and an extremely high quality standard, which makes the company very popular among hunters. Among the most significant developments in the company's history is the introduction of riflescopes with variable magnifications, which first came to market in 1922. Since 1998, ZEISS has offered the VICTORY Varipoint, a model with a day and night-capable red dot reticle. With the VICTORY HT from 2012, a very high light transmission of 95% was achieved. Currently, ZEISS offers four model series: top-class optics under the name VICTORY (with the lines VICTORY V8 and VICTORY HT) and high-performance mid-range target optics under the name CONQUEST (with the lines CONQUEST V4 and CONQUEST V6)