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Wild Abfangen

Gunfinder Magazine

In order to always be able to make ethical and clean shots, almost all hunters regularly visit the shooting range and train their shooting skills. However, in hunting practice, as in any other area, mistakes can occasionally happen or things do not go as desired. Especially during driven hunts, the risk of a missed shot or a poorly executed shot cannot be ruled out. 

In the case of a poorly executed shot that results in a wounded animal, the behavior after the shot is crucial. The top priority is to quickly locate the wounded animal and to end its suffering swiftly. It is not always possible to deliver a clean finishing shot with either a long gun or a handgun. Therefore, carrying a cold weapon is also sensible, with which the suffering of the animal can be ended through professional dispatching.

If the animal can only be found with the help of a capable dog, it is now up to the dog handler to dispatch the animal. He knows the hunting dog working on the animal and is aware of its behavior in such situations and knows how to act without endangering his dog.

In any case, it is important to ensure that the animal is dispatched cleanly and ethically. In this regard, a method has established itself that requires placing the blade tip behind the right shoulder blade and guiding the blade downwards diagonally between the ribs to the left. After that, the blade should be moved up and down. This will open the cut between the ribs and destroy the organs located in the chest cavity. It is also important to approach the animal from behind whenever possible and to secure it well before drawing the naked weapon from the sheath. For this, one usually has to use their own body weight. One must also always pay attention to personal safety and the safety of possible fellow hunters as well as the hunting dogs.

Although there are hunters who know and use other methods of dispatching, these are often more difficult and, if performed incorrectly, prolong and increase the suffering of the animal.

It is also important to use the right tools for dispatching. Especially with large specimens of bigger game species, one should pay attention to having a sufficiently long and wide blade. Large hunting knives with wide blades as well as dispatching blades are very suitable for dispatching.


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