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VDB e.V. - ProGun / VDB Marketplace

Contact details:

Gisselberger Straße 10 35037 Marburg Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 64214807500

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VDB/ Association of German Gunsmiths

The term "VDB weapons" may not be immediately familiar to many, but it is associated with one of the most important and renowned professional associations in the firearms sector in Germany. The Association of German Gunsmiths and Firearms Dealers e.V. (VDB) represents the interests of gunsmiths, firearms dealers, and experts in the firearms field. In this article, we shed light on the VDB and its significance for the firearms industry.

History and Founding of the VDB

The VDB was founded in 1971 and is based in Marburg. It arose from the need to consolidate the interests of gunsmiths and firearms dealers in Germany and to represent them at political and social levels.

Goals and Tasks of the VDB

Professional Representation: The VDB advocates for the rights and interests of its members before authorities, organizations, and in public.

Training and Continuing Education: A key point is ensuring and further developing professional qualifications through seminars, training, and support for vocational training.

Information and Advice: The VDB regularly informs its members about current developments in the firearms industry, legal changes, and other relevant topics.

Quality Standards: The association places value on high quality standards in the gunsmithing trade and firearms retail and contributes through various measures to maintain and further develop these standards.

VDB Weapons

The term "VDB weapons" does not refer to specific types of firearms, but rather to weapons that are sold through VDB members. These can be both new and used firearms. Purchasing through a VDB member provides the buyer with certain assurances:

Expertise: VDB members typically have a solid education and in-depth knowledge in the field of firearms.

Quality: The firearms sold through VDB dealers are generally tested for their quality and functionality.

Transparency: The condition of used firearms is usually communicated transparently and honestly.

Legal Security: VDB members are informed about the current legal framework and regulations in the firearms sector and ensure legally compliant transactions.

The Association of German Gunsmiths has one of the highest quality offerings of mainly used firearms in the German-speaking area with the VDB Weapons Market on its website. Many gunsmiths state upon request that they offer high-quality products exclusively on this site and list lower-quality items on other online platforms. 

A benefit for users, besides the high quality, is that only firearms and firearm parts are offered. There is no risk of having to sift through a multitude of misleading search results to find the desired product. Furthermore, only VDB members can advertise on this website. For the user, the offer from a verified dealer means buying from an expert who often also provides a warranty on the firearm. 

For potential sellers, the VDB website does not offer a way to list items on the advertisement page; however, firearms and accessories can be offered directly to the dealers organized in the association via a contact form. A disadvantage is that the price that an end customer would be willing to pay cannot be achieved this way. After all, a discount on the proceeds is incurred for the gunsmith.

The VDB site also features a variety of filtering options, which can also be activated through the search function of Gunfinder.


Advertising with the VDB

How can one advertise on the VDB weapons market?

This option is only available to members of the association. A good way to advertise online is offered by the Gunfinder marketplace function.

Buying Used Firearms Online

Where can used firearms be purchased online? The best offers can be found through Gunfinder - regardless of the platform: VDB, eGun, or Auctronia.


Used Firearms: Shops and Marketplaces


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