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Dog run away - what to do?

Gunfinder Magazine

If the dog has run away, panic can quickly set in. It is important to keep a cool head in this situation and take effective measures to find the lost dog. With the following twelve tips, you can proceed systematically and increase the chances of finding your furry companion.


Search in typical places

Search in typical places and your four-legged friend's favorite spots. The first step in searching for a lost dog is to stay in the typical places and favorite spots of the dog. Dogs often return to the place of disappearance or seek out familiar locations. It is advisable to wait at these places for the dog. For anxious or shy dogs, it is recommended to position a familiar person there, as the dog may be more likely to approach them.


Talk to people

Talk to people in the immediate vicinity. During the search, you should actively approach people in the immediate area. Inform them about the lost dog and ask them to notify you, the police, or the local animal shelter if they see or can catch the dog.


Attract the dog

Try to lure your four-legged friend. Call for your dog and use familiar sounds to attract him. Whistles or the clattering of the familiar food bowl can help catch the dog's attention.


Ask for help

Ask family and your surroundings for help. In this situation, it is important to involve as many people as possible and ask for support. Ask your family, neighbors, and friends if they can help with the search. The more people looking for the dog, the greater the chances of finding him.


Inform the police

Contact the police or the regulatory office. Get in touch with the local police or regulatory office and report the dog as missing. Often, the police are the first point of contact for found animals. If your dog is microchipped or tattooed, have the corresponding microchip number ready to facilitate identification.


Inform animal shelters

Contact the animal shelters in your area. Regularly check in with the animal shelters and rescue stations in your area. Inform them about the lost dog and provide the microchip number if available. Found animals are often brought to shelters, and quick notification increases the chances of your dog being identified.


Inform veterinarians

Inform veterinarians and animal clinics. It is also advisable to inform veterinarians and animal clinics about the lost dog. If found animals are brought to them, they often have microchip readers that can identify the dog's owner. Ensure that your dog is registered and have all relevant information ready.


Inform Tasso

Inform Tasso and other pet registries. If your dog is registered with Tasso e.V. or another pet registry, report him as missing there. These registries play an important role in conveying information about lost pets and can help your dog be found more quickly.


Post search notices

Post search notices. Distribute search notices in places where your dog has disappeared or where you frequently go. Ensure that the picture of your dog is clearly visible and provide contact information. Also describe any special features of your dog to facilitate possible sightings. Use templates from Tasso e.V. or create your own search notices.


Use social media

Use social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and others. Post a search request with a clear picture of your dog on your social media channels and make the post publicly visible. Also, ask friends and acquaintances to share the post. Link the post to regional pages or groups for lost dogs to increase its reach.


Search the neighborhood

Thoroughly search the neighborhood. Actively search the neighborhood for your dog. Talk to mail carriers, people with other dogs, and neighbors. There is a possibility that your dog accidentally got locked in a neighboring property. Use a flashlight to search tight hiding spots, such as under parked cars or in pipes.


Stay persistent!

Stay persistent and don't give up. It is important to remain persistent and not give up the search for your lost dog. Even if it may feel like an eternity at times, many animals reappear after a short time. Even if this is not the case, there is always the possibility that your dog will return on its own after months or find its way back to you through helpful people. Don't give up and remember that your dog also wants to find its way back to you.


Search calmly and purposefully

When the dog has run away, it is important to remain calm and proceed purposefully. The twelve tips can help make the search effective and increase the chances of finding the lost dog. It is advisable to utilize as many resources as possible, such as family, friends, animal shelters, veterinarians, and social media. Additionally, one should always keep hope and remain persistent. With a well-organized and coordinated search, you can have the best chance of bringing your beloved four-legged friend safely back home.

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