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Regulations for the Sale of Game Meat by Hunters

Gunfinder Magazine

General Information on the Sale of Game Meat

Hunters not only obtain trophies through hunting or engage in active nature conservation and take responsibility for an ecosystem through hunting. Hunters also produce a very high-quality food - the so-called game meat, the flesh of the hunted wild animals. There are indeed hunters, landowners, and forestry operations that are not able to utilize all the hunted game for their own needs. Since non-hunters also enjoy the high-quality meat, there is a great demand in the general population. 

Game offered in supermarkets does not come from regional hunting but is sourced from large game enclosures in New Zealand or Australia and imported to Germany. 

It is certainly more sustainable and possibly of better quality to purchase game meat from regional hunting. 

But through which channels can and, above all, may hunters sell game meat to interested parties? There are several things to consider. 

Consumption in One's Own Household

If a hunter wants to utilize hunted game in their own household, they are generally free to do so, as long as they are considered a knowledgeable person. 

“A hunter is recognized as a 'knowledgeable person' if the corresponding requirements of a training measure are met. The tasks of a 'knowledgeable person' include the examination of the hunted game, the assessment of behavior, and information about possible environmental contamination.”

Nowadays, almost all trained hunters are also knowledgeable persons according to the above standards, as the acquisition of expertise has been integrated into hunting training for two decades.

A meat inspection is usually only required if the knowledgeable person / the hunter identifies so-called 'concerning characteristics.' In this case, a veterinary officer decides whether and to what extent the piece may be utilized.

A trichinella examination must be conducted for all susceptible animal species. Anyone who neglects the required examinations - even for personal consumption - is committing an offense.

Direct Marketing in Small Quantities

The direct sale of game or game meat is only possible for the hunter as a knowledgeable person under the following conditions:

If the hunter sells skinned/plucked and/or butchered game, they must be registered with their local food safety authority and conduct self-checks for hazard control. The registration process is governed by the respective state law.

It is advisable to directly contact the responsible food safety authority / veterinary office regarding any interest in registration.

A great way to directly sell your meat to the above-mentioned end consumers after registration is offered by the app Waldfleisch.

Sale to the Game Trade

The sale of the game to game processing companies is only required when not only 'small quantities,' i.e., the game from one hunting day, are marketed directly to end consumers or local retail stores.

Before the sale to the game processing company, the following hygiene requirements from the EU hygiene package apply to the hygienic treatment of the hunted game. All further steps - including marketing - are the responsibility of the game processing company.

Handling of Hunted Game

To ensure that consumers greatly enjoy the game meat and that the hunter does not encounter issues with the responsible food safety authority, it is important that they implement all measures that ensure compliance with necessary hygiene.

Thus, they must handle the hunted game as follows:

Large Game:

Small Game:

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