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The importance of the right fishing reel: selection and care

Gunfinder Magazine

The fishing reel, also known as a spool, is a crucial piece of fishing equipment and plays a key role in successful fishing. Choosing the right fishing reel, as well as taking proper care of it, is crucial to ensure a smooth fishing experience and a successful fishing trip.

1. choosing the right fishing reel

The variety of fishing reels on the market can seem overwhelming at first. There are different types of fishing reels, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the most common types:

Spinning reel: This reel is particularly popular with beginners and is versatile. It is well suited for light to medium-heavy fishing and is easy to handle.

Baitcast reel: Advanced anglers often prefer baitcast reels for their precision and control. They are ideal for fishing with artificial lures but require some practice when casting.

Fixed sp ool reel: This reel is easy to use and is well suited for beginners. It is particularly effective for bottom fishing and light spin fishing.

Choosing the right reel depends on several factors, including the type of fishing, preferred species and personal skill level. It is advisable to seek advice from a specialist store and, if necessary, try out different models to find the optimum balance between performance and comfort.

2. important features when choosing

There are a few key factors to consider when buying a fishing reel:

Gear Ratio: This is the ratio between the number of turns of the crank and the rotation of the reel. A higher gear ratio allows for faster lure retrieval speeds, while a lower gear ratio provides more torque for tackling larger fish.

Drag system: The drag is crucial for control during the fight. Front and rear drags are the two main types, with some reels combining both systems.

Material and construction: High quality materials such as aluminum or graphite make for a durable and lightweight reel. Closed designs offer additional protection against environmental influences.

Number of ball bearings: The more ball bearings, the smoother and more stable the castor. High-quality bearings are crucial for long-lasting performance.

3. care of the fishing reel

The care of the fishing reel is just as important as its selection. A well-maintained reel not only increases its lifespan, but also contributes to better functionality. Here are some maintenance tips:

Cleaning after use: rinse the reel with fresh water after each use to prevent salt or dirt deposits. Then dry it thoroughly.

Oiling and greasing: Regularly oiling the bearings and greasing the gears keeps the reel supple and prevents corrosion. Use special fishing reel oils and greases for optimum results.

Check the line guide: Make sure that the line is wound evenly and that there are no loops or tangles. This contributes to smooth casts.

Brake maintenance: Test the brake settings regularly and adjust them if necessary. A brake that is too tight can lead to line breakage, while a brake that is too loose makes it more difficult to control the fish.

Protect against bumps and knocks: Avoid bumps or impacts against hard surfaces as this can affect the internal mechanics of the reel.

Conclusion: A well-maintained reel for long-lasting fishing fun

The fishing reel is more than just a tool; it is the heart of a successful fishing experience. The right choice and care not only ensure smooth functionality, but also a long service life. Invest time in choosing your reel, get to know its functions and take time to look after it regularly. A well-maintained fishing reel will provide you with reliable service and help make every fishing trip an unforgettable experience. Good luck and have fun fishing!

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