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Der Jagdvermittler
Der Jagdvermittler
Gunfinder Expert
Der Experte für Jagdreisen

Unforgettable hunting experiences worldwide

Gunfinder Magazine

Plan your ultimate hunting trip with our exclusive hunting trips! Whether you dream of hunting a big live stag from a hide, long for a challenging roebuck hunt with strong and mature bucks, or want to take the rare chance to hunt exotic game species not found in your home territory - we offer the perfect hunting experience. In addition, you have the opportunity to take part in a professionally organized driven hunt with impressive track expectations. Discover the world of hunting trips with us and make your hunting trip unforgettable!

Hunting trips: Experience the diversity of hunting

or over two decades, you've come to the right place if you're looking for an experienced hunting trip provider, whether in Germany, picturesque Hungary, wild Poland or exotic destinations such as Turkey. Our hunting trips not only offer you the chance of unforgettable hunting success, but also the opportunity to immerse yourself in the hunting traditions and cultures of other countries. Whether it's a hide hunt, driven hunt or a customized hunting trip - we make sure that your hunting trip is unique. Discover the world of hunting trips with us and experience the hunting adventure of a lifetime!


Individual advice and comprehensive offers

Discover both package deals and customized hunting trips that are perfectly tailored to your wishes and ideas. As an experienced hunting trip provider with many years of experience and in-depth contacts to professional operators in countries of hunting interest, we guarantee you an unforgettable hunting experience. Whether it's a hide hunt, driven hunt or an individually planned hunting trip - we make sure that your hunting trip will be remembered for decades to come.


Hunting trips and hunting grounds

In addition to tailor-made hunting trips, we also arrange hunting grounds for providers and hunters. Benefit from our expertise all year round; we are at your side both during the hunting season and in the closed season. Discover with us the perfect hunting option to suit your needs and experience an unforgettable hunting season!

Driven hunts and single hunts in Germany

In Germany, we offer a carefully selected portfolio of well-organized driven hunts as well as individual hunts, which we have been conducting for many years in cooperation with our experienced partners. If you want to book a driven hunt, you will find a variety of options suitable for both experienced hunters and beginners. Our driven hunts are specifically designed to offer exciting hunting experiences, with safety and professionalism at the forefront. Discover the variety of our hunting offers, choose the right driven hunt and experience a challenging and productive hunting season with us.

Hunting and experiencing nature - with friends

A hunting trip offers much more than traditional hunting; it opens the doors to the exciting world of hunting in foreign countries, for exotic game species that are not found in your home territory, and promotes exchange with like-minded people. Experience the impressive stag rut in our first-class red deer areas in Eastern Europe, put your hunting skills to the test stalking old, rustic roebucks in Poland and Hungary, pursue big boars in the breathtaking mountains of Turkey or hunt impressive fallow deer and mouflon rams in our Hungarian areas. Our hunting trips are perfect for both young and experienced hunters looking for an unforgettable adventure in the world of international hunting.


Your hunting trip partner - transparent and reliable

You are our most valuable treasure! Your positive experiences on our hunting trips are at the heart of our work. Our transparent offers and personalized advice make us the first port of call for hunters like you who are looking for the extraordinary. We are here to ensure that every hunting trip is unique and unforgettable. Discover the world of hunting with us and experience adventures tailored to your needs!

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