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New hunting seasons Brandenburg

Gunfinder Magazine

Brandenburg's hunters must prepare for updated hunting seasons for roe deer, red deer and fallow deer. The latest changes, which will come into force on May 22, 2024, are part of the "Second Ordinance Amending the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Hunting Act for the State of Brandenburg". These adjustments are particularly important for hunting practice and the sustainable management of game populations. Here is an overview of the most important changes:

Red deer and fallow deer

The following new hunting seasons apply to red deer and fallow deer:

Narrow-spotted and narrow-headed: from April 16 to May 31 and from August 1 to January 31.
Stag, adult and calf: from August 1 to January 31.

Roe deer

Specific periods have also been set for roe deer, as follows:

Doe and fawn: Hunting is permitted from August 1 to January 31.
Roebuck and narrow-antlered deer: From April 16 to May 31 and from August 1 to January 31.

This regulation is designed to facilitate population control during the periods of highest activity and visibility of the game.

The hunting seasons were adjusted after thorough consultation and evaluation of game populations as well as ecological and biological data. The aim is to promote a balanced game population that takes into account both agricultural interests and nature conservation. The new regulation also helps to minimize game damage to agricultural crops and increase road safety by controlling populations during their active periods, which are important for reproduction.

Validity and legal framework
The new regulations come into force on May 22, 2024 and are based on the provisions of the Hunting Act for the State of Brandenburg. They reflect the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection to promote sustainable and ethically responsible hunting practices.

Hunters and those interested in hunting are called upon to familiarize themselves with the new regulations in order to ensure legally compliant hunting practices. Compliance with hunting seasons is essential for the protection and conservation of wildlife populations in Brandenburg.

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