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Wir sind heiß auf Langwaffeln – ihr auch? Jagd & Hund, Halle 8, Horrido-Fläche Wir sind heiß auf Langwaffeln – ihr auch? Jagd & Hund, Halle 8, Horrido-Fläche 🧇 😋


Gunfinder Magazine

A "Blattschuss" is a targeted shot in the area of the shoulder blades, ideally through the upper front legs into the chest cavity of the game, also known as the chamber. As a responsible hunter, however, you should aim to hit just behind the front legs to preserve the valuable game meat of the front legs. Therefore, the term "Kammerschuss" is often used.

A hit in the chamber causes the projectile to destroy the heart and lungs of the animal. The animal either dies immediately or due to the collapse of the lung and the drop in blood pressure within a few seconds. A correctly executed "Blatt" or "Kammerschuss" minimizes the suffering of the game, with the ideal goal being that the game does not even perceive the sound of the shot.

Despite a perfectly executed "Blatt" or "Kammerschuss", escape distances of up to several hundred meters can occur. Even a few seconds until death can be enough for the game to cover this distance.

This fact is often the subject of intense discussions among hunters regarding the selection of the right ammunition and the optimal caliber to maximize the effectiveness of the shot and keep the suffering of the game as low as possible. 

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