"Mucken" refers to when the shooter gets startled before breaking the shot and jerks the weapon. The shot goes off target. Repeatedly missing can become a habit and can instill a genuine fear of shooting. However, one can also unlearn the fear of shooting:
Practice with an unloaded weapon
With the unloaded weapon, one can practice aiming and controlled, smooth trigger pulls. It doesn't matter what type of trigger is installed in the weapon, whether it's a shotgun trigger or a set trigger; what's important is that the movement is always the same and the shooter becomes familiar with the trigger resistance. To ensure that the firing pin does not get damaged during dry firing, dummy cartridges should definitely be used. Additionally, it is crucial that the trigger rests centrally on the fingertip. Many beginners pull the trigger with the end of the first finger joint, which practically guarantees a jerked shot. In the first step, the stance is secondary; initially, the focus should be on making the trigger pull second nature.
Assuming the stance
In the second step, the weapon is taken into the correct stance, an imaginary target is aimed at, and the trigger is pulled. This step should be repeated for as long as necessary and in a relaxed manner until the shooter can pull the trigger without blinking.
Finally, practical practice is essential - this should be done at the shooting range, and one should not skimp on ammunition. While tension is still noticeably felt during the first shot and is reflected in widely scattered shot groups in the initial series, the tension usually decreases significantly after a few shots. To shoot safely and calmly, the handling of one's own weapon should also be practiced repeatedly: loading, unloading, cycling, disengaging the safety, engaging the safety, inserting, and removing the magazine, etc. - when these steps are secure, the actual shooting can be done with significantly less excitement and thus more safely.
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