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Who can I sell a firearm to

Gunfinder Magazine

Firearm Sale: The most important point is the proper verification of whether a potential buyer is eligible to purchase.

Below are the most important eligibility requirements for different categories of firearms.

Free Weapons

These can be transferred by any adult to another adult, whether as a gift or in exchange for payment. It only needs to be verified that the recipient of the firearm is at least 18 years old and that it is indeed a weapon that does not require a permit.

There are two types of free weapons that we would like to elaborate on: permit-free firearms and SRS weapons.

How do I recognize a permit-free firearm?

It is identified by the so-called "F in a pentagon". This mark indicates that the weapon has been tested and imparts a maximum energy of 7.5 joules to the projectile.

For older free weapons, such as air or spring-operated guns that were brought to market before 1970, this mark is absent, yet they are still freely sellable. For these “old” air and spring-operated weapons, the projectile energy does not matter; they remain exempt from the firearms ownership card (WBK) requirement. In contrast, newer weapons that lack the "F in a pentagon" mark are subject to the WBK requirement starting from an energy of 0.5 joules, regardless of their actual energy (this also applies to weapons from abroad).

How do I recognize an SRS weapon?

SRS weapons, which are Signal, Gas, and Schreckschuss weapons, are revolvers and pistols that do not fire projectiles but are designed to fire various types of blank cartridges or irritant gas cartridges. They can be recognized, among other things, by the test seal of the Physical Technical Testing Institute, which contains the capital letters PTB in a circle.

Although these weapons are free, they cannot be carried without permission - the so-called “small firearms license”. More about SRS weapons

Permit-free Firearms

A permit is required for these weapons. This can be one of the following:

Hunting License

The valid hunting license is a purchase permit for all hunting long guns, meaning all long guns that are not prohibited for hunting under § 19 BJagdG. So: Pay attention to the expiration date of the hunting license! Hunters also need a separate official purchase permit for the acquisition of handguns, meaning a pre-entry in a green WBK.

In summary: For the acquisition of a long gun, showing the hunting license or the WBK is sufficient. When selling a handgun, the buyer must have a pre-entry for this weapon in the WBK.

The hunting license also entitles the holder to purchase all ammunition for long guns. However, for handgun ammunition, the buyer must have a corresponding handgun noted in their WBK.

Green WBK with Pre-entry for Handguns

The WBK alone is not sufficient as a purchase permit. It is important that the corresponding weapon is mentioned in a still valid pre-entry. Since such a pre-entry is only valid for one year, the seller must pay attention to the expiration date. If the issuance has already expired, the handgun cannot be sold!

Green WBK with Pre-entry for Long Guns

Certain weapons cannot be acquired with the yellow WBK - for example, semi-automatic long guns. If the holder does not qualify as eligible to purchase through their hunting license because they are, for example, a sport shooter, they need a green WBK with a pre-entry for weapons that are excluded from the yellow WBK. It should be noted that the pre-entry must not have expired. Additionally, the specific weapon must not be excluded from sporting shooting.

Yellow WBK / Sports Shooter WBK

The sports shooter WBK is a purchase and ownership permit for all types of weapons listed therein. No additional pre-entry is required for the acquisition of a weapon; the WBK itself is sufficient. The sports shooter WBK is, according to § 14 Abs. 4, a permit for the acquisition and possession of the following types of weapons:

In some federal states, the authorities issue the sports shooter WBK only to a limited extent, e.g., only for one of the above-mentioned types of weapons or only for a certain number of weapons. As far as this restriction is known to the seller because it is noted as an official entry in the WBK, they must observe it.

Therefore: Carefully check the yellow WBK to see if the interested party is even allowed to buy the weapon!


Old Yellow WBK

The sports shooter WBK issued until 31.03.2003 is - as long as it has not been extended by an official entry - still a purchase and ownership permit for single-shot long guns with smooth and rifled barrels.


Red Collector WBK

The red WBK for weapon collectors entitles the holder to acquire the weapons that are covered by the respective collection area specified in the WBK. As with any other transfer of firearms that require a permit, the transferor is also obliged under § 34 Abs. 1 Sentence 1 WaffG to verify the eligibility of the acquirer.

However, with a red WBK, no ammunition may be purchased unless this permission is explicitly stated in the WBK.

While there is the possibility of obtaining a red firearms ownership card for “firearms of all kinds,” this is only approved in very rare exceptional cases. Usually, the ownership entitlement is limited to a specific collection area.



For the sale of firearms private to private, NWR IDs are not necessary.

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