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How much does an airsoft gun cost?

Gunfinder Magazine

Airsoft (or softair) weapons are already available from about 20 euros. However, these models fall more into the category of toys. Precise weapons, which look like their original models can easily cost several hundred euros. For beginners in the airsoft sport is therefore the question of what they should spend at the beginning for the weapon and the equipment.

If you only want to shoot at targets or cans in your own backyard, you are well advised to go with an inexpensive beginner's weapon. However, those who want to participate in softair games with other players will need not only a suitable weapon and, if necessary, a suitable target optics, but also clothing and suitable protective equipment.

Softair equipment: Protective goggles

The most important item of equipment is the goggles. Airsoft BBs have a relatively low energy and therefore cannot cause any injury - except to the eyes. In airsoft halls and on airsoft playing fields, protective goggles are part of the mandatory equipment. Here it must be checked that the eyes are safely covered and that the goggles are bulletproof ! This does not apply to ski goggles!


How much does a beginner airsoft cost?

Before you start thinking about the price of a gun, you should consider what kind of gun you want to get. Although it is obvious to buy a cheap pistol at first, it is effective on the field only at a short distance and passionate players will quickly exhaust the firing power limits of airsoft guns. Therefore, we recommend airsoft players to start with the model of a rapid-fire rifle or an assault rifle - airsoft rifles, unlike pistols, offer a longer range, greater precision and usually larger magazines. Pistols are more suitable as a back-up weapon.

We advise players to invest around 250 euros for an all-round weapon. As with most things, "buy cheap, buy twice" applies to airsoft as well.

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