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Die Hundezeitung
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Popular hunting dog breeds in German-speaking countries

Gunfinder Magazine

In our top 10 list you will find the 10 best hunting companions. However, many of these breeds are also held in high esteem outside of the forest and hunting grounds. For a professional hunter, hunting dogs are often the most important tool in the performance of their duty. The hunter's duty is strictly regulated by law in the DACH region, i.e. Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Apart from the actual hunt, it also includes other important tasks. These include conservation measures, nature and biotope protection, preservation of natural habitats, strict compliance with official shooting plans and the prevention of game and mowing accidents.

Professional hunters inevitably spend a lot of time alone in wide open spaces and deep forests. Therefore, a useful dog is not only an indispensable means to an end when hunting, but also a friend for life and often the only company. However, not every dog breed is equally suited to the tasks of a hunting dog, even though all dogs are descended from the talented wolf hunter. Take a look at our article to find out which 10 dog breeds are best suited to hunting!

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