Depending on snow conditions or frost periods, even the red deer find it difficult to find enough food in February. Everywhere there is a real food shortage and feeding is allowed, red deer can now be found daily at the feeding sites. With the shedding of antlers at the end of February, restlessness sets in the territory. Antler seekers are also on the move in the most secret thickets searching for shed antlers of older stags. An uncontrolled and usually unauthorized search, however, not only causes unrest but also constitutes poaching. If I encounter illegal collectors, an enlightening conversation should take place first. This often helps more than an aggressively conducted discussion or even a direct report. Understanding and insight are required on both sides.

The roe bucks are already significantly ahead of our stags. They flaunt their velvet and often give a completely false impression regarding their antler development. Pregnant does urgently need energy and rest now. Buck fawns lose their first antlers, initially without brow tines, before pushing out their first "real" antlers.

With the imminent end of the rutting season, the pelts of the foxes have become unsightly. However, for the small game hunter and species conservationist, this is no reason to spare the fox now. Those who take their management duties seriously in small game territories seize every opportunity within the framework of legal hunting and closed seasons to hunt the fox.
In the case of wild boar, piglets must already be expected in February, if not throughout the entire year. Mature boars have already become secretive again by the end of the rut, and first sows are looking for their nesting sites.

Unfortunately, the deadly disease myxomatosis has severely impacted our rabbit population. Where rabbits still occur, they can now be seen mating. Rabbit weddings often take place quite tumultuously and present an impressive sight. With twists and jumps, the buck impresses the doe. By the end of February, the first young rabbits are born. After a gestation period of about 42 days, it is actually far too early for many young rabbits due to poor weather conditions. Wet and cold weather is poison for the young animals, and therefore the survival chances are very low for most.
The breeding season has begun, and often several drakes can be seen chasing a hen. This can be observed not only in the water and on the ground but also in the air. Already now, pairs are forming for the upcoming season.
Even though our pheasants are quite site-faithful, their territories differ during the seasons. With the approaching end of winter, they occupy new, more suitable territories nearby and mark their territory. The "five W's": forest, meadow, wheat, water, and warmth create an optimal habitat.