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5 Bockdoppelflinten for the Hunting in Cold Weather

1) Mercury Light Slug

Mercury Light Slug
Mercury Light SlugBei der Light Slug handelt es sich um eine einfache Bockdoppelflinte aus dem Haus der Frankonia-Eigenmarke Mercury. Sie soll vor allem durch ihr sehr günstiges Preis-Leistungs-Ver...

2) Antonio Zoli Columbus

Antonio Zoli Columbus
Antonio Zoli ColumbusThe Columbus from Antonio Zoli is a hunting over-and-under shotgun that aims to combine the technical and optical characteristics of high-class shotguns with a mid-range price....

3) Blaser F16

Blaser F16
Blaser F16The company Blaser presents the F16, a remarkable over-and-under shotgun model. Similar to other shotguns, Blaser also relies on a trigger with a "dry characteristic" for the F1...

4) Antonio Zoli Z-Expedition

Antonio Zoli Z-Expedition
Antonio Zoli ZThe Z-Expedition is another over-and-under shotgun from the house of Antonio Zoli, primarily designed for hunting use. It is considered the professional shotgun of the Zoli brand and ...

5) Sauer Apollon

Sauer Apollon
Sauer ApollonThe Sauer Apollon is a side-by-side shotgun that stands out primarily due to its outstanding combination of technical precision and an appealing yet understated design. It is available...

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