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4 Folding spade for the Hunting

1) Mil-Tec US Klappspaten

Mil-Tec US Klappspaten
Folding spade from Mil-Tec- the proven tool of the US Army.

2) Mil-Tec Mini Klappspaten

Mil-Tec Mini Klappspaten
Mini folding spade from Mil-Tec. The handy all-round tool is usually supplied with a sheath.

3) Mil-Tec BW Klappspaten

Mil-Tec BW Klappspaten
BW folding spade from Mil-Tec - The spade comes with a bag and fits in any backpack.

4) Mil-Tec Dreifachspaten

Mil-Tec Dreifachspaten
Practical folding spade from Mil-Tec. The spade has a grooved and a smooth spade blade side. The spade consists of three interconnected parts (shovel blade, handle, handle) and can be folded in two...

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