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3 Riflescopes for Slayers

1) Blaser 2.8-20x50 iC

Blaser 2.8-20x50 iC
20x maximum magnification and fast 50 mm objective lens diameter in an extremely compact design. Thanks to the unique design, the overall appearance of the rifle and scope is extremely harmonious. ...

2) Blaser 4-20x58 iC

Blaser 4-20x58 iC
Compared to riflescopes with 56 mm objective lens diameter, 58 mm provide an additional 7% light yield. This makes it possible to use a high magnification range with better detail recognition even ...

3) Blaser B2 2-12x50 iC

Blaser B2 2-12x50 iC
Brand new high performance riflescope from Blaser: The B2 2-12x50 iC. The high-performance riflescope with 6x zoom is ideally suited for any hunting situation such as raised hide, stalking and also...

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