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5 Handgun Cartridges for the Tracking

1) Prvi Partizan PPU .357 SIG VM-FK 125grs

Prvi Partizan PPU .357 SIG VM-FK 125grs
50 rounds of Prvi Partizan full metal jacket pistol ammunition in .357SIG with a bullet weight of 125grs. Note: A corresponding (pre-)entry in the firearms ownership license (WBK) is required for p...

2) Prvi Partizan PPU 6,35 mm (.25 Auto) FMJ 50 grs 50 Schuss

Prvi Partizan PPU 6,35 mm (.25 Auto) FMJ 50 grs  50 Schuss
50 rounds of Prvi Partizan full metal jacket rifle ammunition in caliber 6.35 mm (.25 Auto) with a bullet weight of 50grs. Note: A corresponding (pre-)entry is required for purchase.

3) Prvi Partizan PPU 7,62 Nagant FMJ 98 grs 50 Schuss

Prvi Partizan PPU 7,62 Nagant FMJ 98 grs 50 Schuss
50 rounds of Prvi Partizan full metal jacket pistol ammunition in caliber 7.62 Nagant with a bullet weight of 98grs. Note: A corresponding (pre-)entry in the firearms ownership card is required for...

4) Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.

Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.
S & B pistol cartridges in the classic caliber 9 mm Luger. Best price-performance ratio. Precision, reliability, and low price.
Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs. Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.

Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.

Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.

Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.1 Pack: 18€ab 5 Pack: 17,10€ab 10 Pack: 15,90€ab 20 Pack: 14,30€ DATENBLATTGeschossgewicht (...

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Sellier & Bellot	 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs. Sellier & Bellot	 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.

Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.

Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.

Hier direkt bestellen → →Sellier & Bellot 9 mm Luger Vollmantel 8,0g/124grs.Top Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnispräzise und zuverlässiggeringe Laufab...

5) Prvi Partizan PPU 7,62 Tokarev FMJ 85 grs 50 Schuss

Prvi Partizan PPU 7,62 Tokarev FMJ 85 grs 50 Schuss
50 rounds of Prvi Partizan full metal jacket pistol ammunition in caliber 7.62 Tokarev with a bullet weight of 85grs. Note: A corresponding acquisition permit is required for purchase.

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