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WAKA Custom Guns
WAKA Custom Guns
Gunfinder Expert
Die WaKa GmbH bietet zuverlässige und maßgeschneiderte Waffenlösungen, darunter Kurz- und Langwaffen, präzise Repetierer und Zubehör. Ein einzigartiger Konfigurator ermöglicht individuelle Anpassungen, unterstützt durch renommierte Partner wie B&T.

Weapons law updates as of 31.10.: What hunters and sport shooters need to know

Gunfinder Magazine

On October 31, important changes to weapons legislation come into force that tighten the legal handling of weapons and knives. The changes affect both the possession and carrying of weapons and include extended control powers for the authorities. Here is an overview of the main changes:

1. personal appearance and extended search powers

2. stricter background checks

3. extended official inquiries and follow-up reporting obligations

4. ban on possession of weapons without a permit

5. stricter regulations for switchblade knives

6. ban on carrying weapons and knives at public events

7. unprovoked checks in weapons and knife prohibition zones

8. new regulations on the seizure of weapons

These comprehensive changes require increased attention from hunters and sport shooters. Those affected should inform themselves at an early stage in order to avoid legal consequences and meet the new requirements.

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